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Skaters must be 3 years old by the first day of skating.  All skaters must wear a CSA approved helmet.  This program offers an introduction to skating through play based instruction, and will focus on agility, balance and control
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The Canskate program is a learn-to-skate program based on Skate Canada Standards.  The program includes lessons from our Skate Canada certified coaches, as well as help from our Program Assistants.  Skaters will continue to work on agility, balance and control at our various stations.         Prerequisite for CanSkate is that skaters must have passed their Pre-Can Ribbons.

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JR StarSkate

Skaters are ready to move up to the Jr StarSkate Program when they have passed a higher level of Canskate.. This program includes both Coach lead instructions/lessons, and self directed practice.  There is opportunities for both private lessons with our coaches, and for registering for events and competitions.

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Skaters are ready for the StarSkate program after they have completed the JR StarSkate program.  This program includes group lessons where they work on skills, dance and free skate.  Creativity and expression on the ice is developed at this level.  There are opportunities for testing, competitions and events at this level.  Private lessons are highly recommended, but not mandatory, at this level.

Advanced StarSkate

Skaters who are ready for Advanced StarSkate must have passed at least TWO of the following; Star 5 dance, Star 2 skills, and/or Star 2 freeskate.  Program includes; group stroking lessons (10min), group lesson on jumps, spins, etc. (15min), then independent practice.  Private lessons are required at this level of skating.  Opportunities for testing, events and competitions are available.

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Adult Skate

This program is for adult skaters of all skill levels.  Coaching is provided to the group on an informal basis to meet the needs of the group.  Free time is also allotted for skaters to work independently on their skating. 

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